姓名:陈明洪 单位:水利工程系 职称:副教授
简介:陈明洪,男,1980年8月生,湖北枣阳人,2007年1月入党,2008年7月参加工作,清华大学水利工程专业博士研究生毕业。2003年和2008年分别在清华大学水利水电工程系获得学士和博士学位;2003年3月至2003年12月在德国University of Karlsruhe交流学习;2012年1月起任det365手机版副教授、硕士生导师。
获授权专利1项、软件著作权3项;副主编出版《环境泥沙的表面特性与模型》著作1部;在《International Journal of Sediment Research》、《Science in China》、《Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》、《泥沙研究》等国内外期刊发表发表学术论文20余篇,其中被SCI收录11篇、EI收录7篇。近年部分论文:
[1] Chen MH, Fang HW, Zheng Yi, He GJ. Integrated flood management for Beiyun River. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2012, in press
[2] Fang HW, Chen MH*, Chen ZH. Surface pore tension and adsorption characteristics of polluted sediment. Science in China Series G-Physics mechanics & Astronomy, 2008, 51(8): 1022-1028
[3] Fang HW, Chen MH*, Chen QH. One-dimensional simulation of non-uniform sediment transport under unsteady flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2008, 23(4): 316-328
[4] Fang HW, Chen MH*, Chen ZH, Zhao HM, He GJ. Effects of sediment particle morphology on adsorption of phosphorus elements. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2012, 27(4)
[5] Huang L, Fang HW, Chen MH. Experiment on surface charge distribution of fine sediment. Science China Technological sciences, 2012, 55(4): 1146-1152
[6] Zhao HM, Fang HW, Chen MH. Floc architecture of bioflocculation sediment by ESEM and CLSM. Scanning, 2011, 33(6): 437-445
[7] Fang HW, Zhao HM, Shang QQ, Chen MH. Effect of biofilm on the rheological properties of cohesive sediment. Hydrobiologia, 2012, 694(1): 171-181
[8] He GJ, Fang HW, Chen MH. Multidimensional upwind scheme of diagonal cartesian method for advection-diffusion problem. Computers and Fluid, 2009, 38(5): 1003-1010
[9] Fang HW, He GJ, Liu JZ, Chen MH. 3D Numerical Investigation of Distorted Scale in Hydraulic Physical Model Experiments. Journal of Coastal Research, 2008, S(52): 41-54
[10] He GJ, Fang HW, Bai S, Liu XB, Chen MH, Bai J. Application of a three-dimensional eutrophication model for the Beijing Guanting Reservoir, China. Ecological Modeling, 2011, 222(8): 1491-1501
[11] Fang HW, Han D*, He GJ, Chen MH*. Flood management selections for the Yangtze River midstream after the Three Gorges Project operation. Journal Hydrology, 2012, Volumes 432-433, Pages 1-11
[12]陈明洪, 方红卫, 陈志和. 泥沙颗粒微结构的GIS表达. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2009, 17(1): 1-7
[13]陈志和, 方红卫, 陈明洪. 泥沙颗粒表面吸附铜离子的分布特征的实验研究. 水利学报, 2008, 39(5): 633-636
[14]陈志和, 方红卫, 陈明洪. 泥沙颗粒表面铜离子吸附分布的模拟分析. 水科学进展, 2009, 20(1): 69-73
[15]方红卫, 赵慧明, 何国建, 陈明洪. 泥沙颗粒生长生物膜前后表面变化的试验研究. 水利学报, 2011, 42(3): 278-283
[16]韩冬, 方红卫, 陈明洪, 何国建, 白静. 一维河网泥沙输移模式研究. 力学学报,2011, 43(3): 476-481
[17]韩冬, 方红卫, 陈明洪. 一维河网模型断流问题研究. 水力发电学报,2012, 31(2): 95-99
[18]黄磊, 方红卫, 陈明洪, 赵慧明. 粘性细颗粒泥沙的表面电荷特性研究进展. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 52(6): 747-752
[19]陈明洪, 方红卫, 陈志和. 泥沙颗粒表面磷吸附分布的实验研究. 泥沙研究, 2009, (4): 51-57
[20]陈明洪, 方红卫, 刘军梅. 多闸坝分汊河流的洪水实时模拟和调度. 水利水电科技进展, 2011, 31(2): 11-15
[21]陈志和, 方红卫, 陈明洪. 细颗粒泥沙吸附重金属离子后表孔变化的实验研究. 泥沙研究, 2010, (1): 25-29
[22] Chen MH, Water regulation and water resources management selections for North China: with Beiyun River basin as an example. 2012, 5th International Yellow River Forum, Zhengzhou, China
[23] Chen MH, Fang HW, He GJ and Yang F. Hydrology simulation and water resource management selections for Beiyun River basin, Beijing. 2011, XIV World Water Congress, Recife, Brazil
[24] Fang HW, He GJ, Chen MH, Liu XB. Two-dimensional numerical simulation of flow and heat transport. 2009, FLUCOME 10, Moscow, Russia